Tuesday, September 11, 2012


We made it back home today. I wish I had good news to report. Rowan is still stable but not really improving like the doctors had expected. I had an echo on her heart yesterday (in SLC) and an ultrasound today in Idaho Falls. She is still growing well and is right on target for a 26.5 week fetus. Unfortunately, she still has fluid in her abdomen and a really strange heartbeat. It may just take time for her to heal... longer than it would if her heart was beating normally. She's still really active and the medication is keeping her heart rate down. So the hope is that for now that will continue and that we'll eventually see improvement. I have another ultrasound/perinatology appointment tomorrow to make sure things aren't getting worse. We will most likely have to go back to SLC at least every other week for checkups, but for now I'm being seen 2-3 times a week here... at least that's the plan, but one thing we've learned from this experience is that nothing is predictable.

More tomorrow...